Last night, as I was testing some new Christmas updates to my programmable LED lights, I was thinking about how the sets I have installed above our cabinets and the ones on the pourch outside (yeah, I have two installs now) are great with more solid patterns, but the patterns that are more like chasers really loose their effect when they are reflected light. You really need to be able to see the LEDs to get the most of the effect. That got me thinking about how I could display some of the lights where you could actually see the LEDs. Then it hit me. I could make a colapsable spiral tree!
I spent a little time in Fusion 360 and drew up a spiral shaped track to hold the LEDs and printed it out.
It turns out, that I had ~4 1/2 feet of LEDs left from my porch install. The spiral I designed holds about 7 feet. So, I had to trim it a bit.
Next up, a base and a pole (although I think I could use PVC pipe for a quick, inexpensive pole.
More to come!